Days+ Days+

About Date Calculator

Date Calculator is a free online tool that helps you perform various date-related calculations quickly and easily. Whether you need to find the number of days between two dates, calculate future or past dates, or determine business days, our calculator has you covered.

Our Features

Days Between Dates

Calculate the exact number of days between any two dates. Perfect for project planning, age calculation, or tracking time intervals.

Add/Subtract Days

Find future or past dates by adding or subtracting a specific number of days from any date.

Business Days Calculator

Calculate working days between dates, excluding weekends. Essential for business planning and project deadlines.

Holiday Calendar

View important holidays and plan your schedule accordingly. Helps you account for non-working days in your calculations.

Why Choose Us?

  • Free to use with no registration required
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Accurate calculations you can rely on
  • Mobile-friendly design

Whether you're a project manager, student, or anyone who needs to work with dates, our calculator provides the tools you need to make accurate date calculations quickly and easily.